#1 Bespoke Software Company

Insaaf Watch

About this project

A website in collaboration with The Presidency of Pakistan, and Ministry of Law and Justice to provide information related to enforcement of women's rights in Pakistan.

Client: Group Development Pakistan

Date: 2022

Industry: Government

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Problem Identified

There is a lack of reliable and easily accessible information on the subject, which can make it difficult for women to understand and exercise their rights. Additionally, there may be a lack of awareness among the general population about the laws and policies in place to protect women's rights in Pakistan, which can lead to a lack of enforcement and a lack of accountability for violations of these rights. A website would provide a platform to bridge this gap and provide information on women's rights laws, policies, and resources in an easily accessible and user-friendly format, as well as a way to report violations and access legal aid.

Final solution

The solution to the problem of a lack of reliable and easily accessible information on women's rights enforcement in Pakistan is to create a website in collaboration with The Presidency of Pakistan and the Ministry of Law and Justice. The website will provide a platform to bridge the gap by providing information on women's rights laws, policies, and resources in an easily accessible and user-friendly format. The website will also provide a way for individuals to report violations and access legal aid. This website will serve as a resource for women to understand and exercise their rights, as well as for the general population to be aware of laws and policies in place to protect women's rights in Pakistan, and to increase accountability for violations of these rights.