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What is Application Migration?

The process of application migration involves shifting a software application from one environment to another, which can include moving from one data center to another, transferring from a local or remote server to a cloud hosting platform, or changing from a public cloud to a private cloud infrastructure.

Cloud Migration Services at ICodeDigita!

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The process of application migration involves shifting a software application from one environment to another, which can include moving from one data center to another, transferring from a local or remote server to a cloud hosting platform, or changing from a public cloud to a private cloud infrastructure.

Web application technology and development process

As a Microsoft Partner, we specialize in using Microsoft tools to develop web applications for our clients. However, our team has experience with a wide range of technologies.

We utilize browser-based technologies such as HTML5, and incorporate .NET Core and C# programming for the back-end. Our technical platforms include Microsoft Azure, SQL Server, and Web APIs, ensuring the best possible performance. Additionally, we have expertise in popular JavaScript frameworks like VueJS, React, and Angular, which are essential for creating interactive web experiences.

We understand that it can be challenging to visualize the end result of a web application, which is why we create a prototype early in the project. This prototype is updated throughout the development process, providing our clients and stakeholders with a working model of the app, allowing them to make any necessary adjustments to the design and functionality.