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Our legacy modernization service eliminates the difficulties of using outdated systems. One Beyond will seamlessly upgrade or rebuild your legacy systems, allowing your business to operate without interruption.

What is Legacy Software?

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Many companies still use legacy IT systems and products, but maintaining them is becoming more challenging. Expertise in older technology stacks is becoming scarce, and the systems often rely on outdated and costly hardware. The security of these systems is questionable and upgrading them can seem overwhelming.

Legacy Modernisation Challenges

Some of the most common challenges businesses face regarding legacy modernisation include:

  • Complexity of existing software, with undocumented process complexity;
  • Management uncertain as to whether modernisation investment is needed;
  • Business disruption during the process;
  • Whether there are sufficient resources to facilitate the software project;
  • How to manage modernisation costs.

Benefits of Legacy Software Modernisation

Modernizing legacy software is essential for achieving business agility. We know that clients desire the ability to quickly adapt to market changes, reduce costs, and improve employee satisfaction. We can help you modernize your legacy software, eliminating tedious manual workarounds, so your organization can deliver exceptional outcomes for your customers. Up-to-date software systems enable our clients to take advantage of recent technological advancements, such as cloud computing, big data, and mobility, bringing significant business value.

Research and Businesses Insights

Our clients can rest assured that we understand the complexities of modernising their technology, and are here to make the process as seamless as possible. We'll work with your employees and partners to get a complete understanding of the business, it's current needs and what your new system should be capable of. Additionally, we'll take into account any improvements they suggest to the workflow process and any must-have functionalities.

To ensure an effortless transition to your new system, we provide a thorough analysis and documentation of your existing system, leaving no detail out. As a further assurance, we also provide a prototype of your new system so you can get a good idea of how it will look, feel and work.

Modernisation Options

Clients have two options available:

  • We can bring across certain functionality – for example, proprietary business processes or formulas – on to a new system that’s able to interface effectively with newer technologies.
  • Or, build a completely new system with the option to “switch off” the old legacy system at the end of the process.

If upgrading your legacy system, in most cases data in the old system needs to be “migrated” or moved to the new system. In some cases, the data needs to be synchronised between the old and new systems to ensure a side-by-side system rollout can occur. We’re well versed in managing complex data migration scenarios, so clients can rely on us to ensure the process goes smoothly.

Whichever option is chosen, we’ll use the very latest, powerful technologies to build a blueprint for a system that drives efficiencies by:

  • Controlling the input of data;
  • Streamlining how the data flows through the workflow stages;
  • Ensuring that your team completes tasks effectively;
  • Warning you when something appears abnormal;
  • Guiding the user through each task so nothing falls through cracks, is misinterpreted or incorrectly entered.

The outcome will be informed management, productive users and happy customers.

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