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We understand the importance of transparency and reliability when choosing a company to work with. We ensure that we are the right fit for your company, can deliver what you need at a competitive price and on-time, and that the experience of working with us will be positive. We strive to make sure that you will want to work with us again in the future.

Simplifying Things

There’s nothing worse than embarking on your project only to find, halfway through, that what you thought you were getting isn’t quite what you are actually getting. That’s why, with ICodeDigita, you can be confident that:

  • All Intellectual Property (IP) rights are yours. You won’t have to pay any license fees and there are no mandatory on-going charges.
  • We won’t make you reliant on us – all the code we develop for you is produced without the use of proprietary plug-ins, meaning that any professional Microsoft developer can pick up and work with the code.
  • We won’t steamroller you with jargon If you want to geek-out with us that’s great, but if you don’t, we’ll take the time to thoroughly explain everything in plain English. It’s important that you understand exactly what options are available to you and what they mean for your business now and in the future.
  • You’ll have a single-point of contact to avoid the frustration – and potential damage to the project – of having conversations over and over again because you’re speaking to different people the whole time.
  • We’ll keep you informed – we’ll let you know immediately if we see something going “out of bounds” for whatever reason – for example, changing requirements or slipping dates – so we can openly discuss how to proceed.

How will my project work?

ICodeDigita has a set process for creating software that covers various situations, based on the specific needs of each project. This process is designed to provide clarity and transparency to our customers, who often inquire about the mechanics of their project.

  Discussing your needs

At the beginning, we focus on gaining a comprehensive understanding of your business, current procedures, difficulties, goals and your concept of the perfect solution.

We pay attention, seek clarification, give suggestions, and constructively provide feedback before creating a comprehensive plan and a list of features for the solution that will perfectly suit your requirements.

  Project Proposal

Utilizing the information gained from our initial discussions, we then create and present you with a formal proposal document.

It outlines the details of our collaboration, including a list of features for the proposed system, as well as cost estimates and timelines in accordance with our mutually agreed terms of engagement.


After receiving your approval to proceed, we begin the planning stage, the most interactive phase of the project, which includes meetings with your project stakeholders and our design team, either on-site or at One Beyond headquarters.

This stage is commonly referred to as "Sprint zero."

One of the biggest issues in software development is communication so at this early stage of the project we’ll also:

  • designate a single point of contact within ICodeDigita
  • give you access to a secure project extranet so that everyone involved in the project has the latest documentation and access to the prototype
  • start to track our progress on a daily basis over the project extranet, and on a weekly basis in status meetings, so that both you and our team at One Beyond are in tune with the schedule

We appreciate it’s nearly impossible for most people to visualise how something will work before the finished software is delivered, so it’s at this stage that we’ll use cutting edge visual tools to create a prototype of your new system so you can see it taking shape.

We’ll also optionally produce a comprehensive functional specification document that details every aspect of the software. For fixed price projects, it’s important you understand and agree with this specification as it’s what we use to build the software, that’s why we write it in plain English and avoid the use of technical jargon.